Jock Itch, or tinea cruris, is a ringworm infection which can affect the skin of the groin, inner thighs and buttocks1. The term ‘jock itch’ makes many people believe it is a condition limited to males, but we’re here to bust that myth. This is a fungal condition often caused by excessive sweating, it is common in athletes or people who are overweight and it does not discriminate between men and women.
So, let’s talk about the major signs that suggest you may have contracted a bout of this annoying infection.
This can occur particularly around the groin area and can spread out around the upper thigh, typically in a half-moon shape1. The best thing you can do is avoid itching or irritating the skin further. Wearing loose skirts or pants can prevent chafing or making itchiness and redness any worse.
When an irritation persists beyond mild redness, people can experience small lumps that are slightly elevated above the skin’s surface1. This can spread from the groin region, to the thighs and buttocks. We recommend using a Jock Itch cream promptly if this occurs.
Skin can flake or scale, especially if scratched or irritated1. The affected areas can feel dry and uncomfortable, which may cause a burning sensation to occur1. Again, a Jock Itch cream is advisable for flaking or scaling skin.
Affecting the same areas, a ring-shaped or half-moon shaped rash is a typical sign of Jock Itch1. When this distinguishing rash occurs, you can be fairly certain that you’ve got a case of Jock Itch and you should treat it immediately.
There are many Jock Itch treatment products available to relieve these kinds of symptoms, such as Jock Itch cream and antifungal medication. It can be a very irritating condition, however it is usually quite mild and can be easily treated. We suggest treating Jock Itch quickly to ensure these symptoms subside before causing extreme discomfort or spreading to other areas of the body.
If you are concerned about the health of your skin and need advice, we suggest that you speak to your healthcare professional.
1. The Mayo Clinic.Jock Itch [Internet].2016 [updated 2016 Jul 26; cited 2018 Feb 16].
Jock Itch, or tinea cruris, is a ringworm infection which can affect the skin of the groin, inner thighs and ... Read more
The term ‘Jock Itch’ comes from the locker rooms of American sporting teams, as many athletes and football ... Read more